Change log

spatix v024.002 (2023-02-07, techsupport till 2025-06-30)

  • New feature: "Clean re-install" option at the Welcome page of Spatix installer will remove and rewrite all previous user-settings by the modern default user settings, if checked
  • New feature: Spatix shortcuts are now available from terra-application windows as well
  • New feature: More user-friendly errors reporting on SPX-file save operations (no disk space, write to read-only media, overwrite locked, not enough rights, etc.)
  • New feature: Raster-refs Manager will show file read errors while locating attached rasters as texts inside raster rectangle (note that some previews may still be present in Spatix cache)
  • New feature: Lock X, Lock Y and Lock Z now are three separate buttons. Appropriate spaccels are lock axis x, lock axis y and lock axis z
  • New feature: Grid Lock now acts together with other active locks
  • New feature: WMS Manager and Raster-ref Manager can now work with geographic CRS. Geographic CRS can be chosen in the "Edit › CAD File Settings › CRS" dialog box.
  • New feature: Support for wkbPolyhedralSurface, wkbTIN and wkbTriangle layer types in GDAL Import
  • New feature: Element Information Tool and Choose Elements Tool now allow to iterate through the set of located elements by mouse Reset click
  • New feature: You can now enable scrollbars in View windows via new "Edit › Preferences › Interface" checkbox
  • New feature: State of sdubtoolbars shall be saved and restored upon Spatix restart
  • New feature: DXF Export. The ability to select the INSUNITS value from the command dialog is implemented. Value of primary SPX-file units is used by default.
  • New feature: DXF Import. Implemented units conversion from DXF to primary SPX-file units.
  • Refactor: Cursor shape preferences were extracted and moved to a separate "Cursor" section in the "Edit › Preferences" dialog box
  • Refactor: Huge rasters attach as reference performance significantly improved
  • Refactor: Disable change active layer by double-click in the Layers Manager layers table (since bad user experience). Use context menu on mouse right-click to set active layer.
  • Fix: "3D cursor mode" setings is now saved between Spatix sessions
  • Fix: website did not open from the About dialog
  • Fix: View background color is updated immediately from "Edit › Preferences › Views". Spatix restart no longer required.
  • Fix: Some Tool Windows had irrelevant captions
  • Fix: Last used Text height is now preserved in Place Text Tool
  • Fix: Margins and sizes of Text Tools Toolsettings Windows were harmonized
  • Fix: Tab-key switch through GUI elements was broken, now is fixed
  • Fix: Color of the missing fastfont glyphs was always white. Now it is correctly taken from the text element
  • Fix: Locked SPX-files will now open in Spatix in read-only mode without errors
  • Fix: Appropriate tab-page of the Raster/WMS/Layers/Presets manager will be activated in the docking area upon the relevant Manager is triggered from toolbar or menue
  • Fix: Inverted background color is now used as a grid color. Grid dots were now visible on brights view backgrounds earlier.
  • Fix: Import Export Tools now save/recall the last used path
  • Fix: Better layer 2D/3D type detection on GDAL Export (Z coordinate was lost on export into SHP-file)
  • Fix: "Soon expire" message box had wrong-formatted message
  • Fix: Visualization, highlighting and proper location of imageref elements in reference files
  • Fix: Several Spatix crash reasons were addressed based on crash-reports analysis
  • Exception on Spatix start-up in certain cases
  • Exception on GDAL Export when wrong layerId is given
  • NPE in OpenGLBackEnd::setRenderingSettings() in case no Z-buffer is enabled
  • Huge memory leak for recursively constructed Figures that might already have elements appended and stored in the SPX file, while whose geometry is re-expanded from the relevant Figure definition elements
  • Exception when Spatix is closing
  • NPE in SColorPicker
  • NPE in WndMainMenuRemoveItem()
  • NPE in GdalSpxExporter::assignAttributes()
  • Fix: Restored the ability to select elements by rectangle in "Individual" mode of Choose Elements Tool
  • Fix: Highlighted elements at the end of the Element Information Command are properly cleaned
  • Fix: More predictable visualization of elements intersection point for Snap to Intersection snap mode
  • Fix: PhotoTools installation path is set to be the latest Spatix installation path (not the first one)
  • Fix: Photo-pairs are now properly saved in PhotoTools
  • Fix: Perpendicular to view plane lines were not visible, now are drawn as dots of appropriate linewidth
  • Fix: Allow opening of DGN v7 with missing EOF marker
  • Fix: Modify/Insert/Delete Vertex Tools, more precise definition of pick point, limit element types available for operation to only linear elements
  • Fix: Delete Vertex, ELM_LINE type handling was broken
  • Fix: Processing of DXF handles on DXF import as uint64 values
  • Fix: Improve view update performance in case view command clicks that do not really cause sceen modification
  • Fix: Modify Element tool crashed on location of the ellipse/circle for modification

API changes

  • New feature: Unicode versions of CFace functions that start commands: StateCmdW(), StateCmdExW(), StateCmdModifyW(), StateCmdViewW()
  • New feature: Spatix -based IxApps licensing based on API-key logic was implemented
  • <ixapp_name>; <ixapp_contract> new info was added into telemetry-collected data
  • IxAppStub example of how to use the new API-key licensing functionality was added into SDK package
  • CMake -based build instructions were added into SDK package
  • New feature: SScannableList::GetLastElmdInfo() returns additional info about last scanned element
  • New feature: Doxygen -built API documentation is now added into released SDK package
  • Refactor: Rename all remaining "MiniApp" to "IxApp" appearances: in code, in comments, in file names, etc. (with one exception: INI file sections and settings names)
  • include/SMiniApp.h was renamed into include/IxApp.h in SDK
  • CFace/miniapp_typ.h was renamed into CFace/ixapp_typ.h in SDK
  • CFace/miniapp_fdf.h was renamed into CFace/ixapp_fdf.h in SDK
  • SMiniApp::ActiveMiniapp() was renamed into SIxApp::me()
  • Refactor: Remove sorid (String or ID) concept from source-codes
  • Refactor: Remove output string parameter from isSnapModeAvailable() hooks
  • Refactor: Rearrange SDK header files so that to remove redundant and unnecessary stuff from SDK include folder
  • Refactor: Remove unused tokenizer.h and userpref_fdf.h from SDK
  • Refactor: Remove unused VwsSetInterruptableAll(), VwSetInterruptable()
  • Refactor: Rename ViewUpdateReason enum values
  • Refactor: Some renames of C++ idents that do no affect CFace layer
  • Refactor: undobuf.h was renamed into CadIO/UndoActionInfo.h in SDK
  • Fix: SScrollArea::computeCenterPoint() now is operational for non-top views
  • Fix: CFace -created Spaccels that had no relevant GUI item were not run, now will run
  • Fix: synchronize view screenshot taking procedure with the usual view rendering workflow